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Этта для инвращенцефф нипатецки :)(+)

Отправлено: Goldhead 16.02.2005 в 16:00
It is impossible to accommodate everyone s wants and desires for I/O, so what I have done is set up the board such that the end-user can configure the board the way they want. Notice on the "CPU" page, there are the boxes X0 to X10 all over the place. These are jumper pad locations which terminate to a jumper hole on the PCB. These holes allow the end-user to wire up the board in any configuration using jumper wires. Ports X0 to X5 hook into the port A I/O on the processor - these are general-purpose I/O which have the added feature of interrupt capability and software-configured pull-up resistors. X6 and X7 hook into the spare ADC channels, X8, X9, and X10 come off of the new JP1 header for the CPU daughtercard. On the "Connector" page, X11-X14 bring out unused DB-37 pins on the output connector. So, there is more than enough user-configured I/O to choke a horse! As time goes on, if a particular I/O setup emerges as being very popular, then the MS board may evolve to reflect this setup. And, for those who may inquire why I did not bring out all unused I/O pins on the processor, the reason was due to board layout - these were easy for me to accomplish without me having to change the whole board around. If you absolutely have to have every I/O port, then you should look at something like EFI332.
Перевожу вкратце:
Для всяких извращенцеф и прочия на ноги Ххх выведены неиспользуемые выводы проца нипатецки. На плате (которую они барыжат) они выведены на коннектор типо IDE, чтобы каждый извращенец-кастомайзер мог туды прицепить свою дочернюю плату.
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